Release Notes for Q1 2024

Explore the new features and enhancements added in this update!

Updated in: April 2024

Release Version: 1.17

Feature/ Enhancement Description
Support for multiple Orchestrator Agents

You can now deploy multiple Lazsa Orchestrator Agents and register them with the Lazsa Platform. When configuring the connection details of your tools and technologies in the Lazsa Platform, you see a list of all configured Orchestrator agents. Choose the Orchestrator Agent to be used to connect to a particular tool.

See Tools Supported by Lazsa Orchestrator Agent.

Audit history for roles Audit history is now available to track any updates done to roles. The details include changes in role definition, the date and time of the change, and the user who initiated the change. This enhances transparency and accountability within the role management processes.
Cookie consent banner seen upon signing in to the Lazsa Platform Now, when you sign in to the Lazsa Platform, you see a cookie consent banner that informs you about the use of cookies for enhanced user experience.
Company-managed projects are shown in Agile tool project key dropdown When you map an Agile project key to a product in the Lazsa Platform, the company-managed project keys are displayed in the dropdown list. You can select a project key and associate it with your product to fetch the project data into the Lazsa Platform.
Support for the latest versions of technologies

Newly added versions

Support for the following latest versions of technologies is now available in the Lazsa Platform:

  • Angular v17

  • Angular v16

  • Angular v15

  • Core Java 21 Gradle

  • Core Java 21 Maven

  • Java 17 Spring Boot 3.2- Gradle

  • Java 17 Spring Boot 3.2- Maven

  • Java 17 Spring Boot 3.1- Gradle

  • Java 17 Spring Boot 3.1- Maven

  • Java 21 with GraphQL Spring Boot 3.2- Maven

  • Java 21 with GraphQL Spring Boot 3.1- Maven

  • Node.js 20 with TypeScript without Express

  • Node.js 20 without Express

  • Python 3 .12

Deprecated versions

The following End-of-Life (EOL) versions of technologies are no longer supported in the Lazsa Platform:

  • Angular 14

  • Angular 13

  • Angular 12

  • Angular 11

  • Angular 7

  • Angular 5

  • Java 18 Gradle GraphQL Spring Boot 3.1.3

  • Java 18 Maven GraphQL Spring Boot 3.1.3

  • Java 17 Gradle GraphQL Spring Boot 3.0

  • Java 17 Maven GraphQL Spring Boot 3.0

  • Java 1.8 Gradle GraphQL Spring Boot 2.2.6

  • Java 1.8 Maven GraphQL Spring Boot 2.2.6

  • Java 18 Gradle Spring Boot 3.1.3

  • Java 18 Maven Spring Boot 3.1.3

  • Java 17 Maven Spring Boot 3.0

  • Java 17 Gradle Spring Boot 3.0

  • Java 15 Maven

  • Java 15 Maven Spring Boot 2.2.6

  • Java 15 Gradle Spring Boot 2.2.6

  • Java 1.8 Gradle Spring Boot 2.0.5

  • Java 1.8 Maven Spring Boot 2.0.5

  • Node.js without Express

  • Nuxt 2.x

  • NestJs 7.6

  • Next.js 12

  • Python 3.9

Support for JFrog Artifactory 7.31.10 and JFrog Xray 3.80 and later versions
  • JFrog Artifactory 7.31.10 and later versions are now supported in the CI/CD Pipeline.

  • You can now use JFrog Xray 3.80 or later for scanning container images in the CI/CD pipeline.

Support for connecting to RDBMS by using SSL protocol and JDBC string parameters

When you configure the connection details of an RDBMS supported by the Lazsa Platform, you can choose the following options:

  • Enable the SSL protocol to establish secure communication between the Lazsa Platform and the RDBMS.

  • Specify the JDBC string parameters to connect to your RDBMS instance.


These options are currently supported for MS SQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

Enhancements in Amazon Kinesis data ingestion

The following enhancements are now available for data ingestion using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams with Snowflake and S3 as targets:

  • Support for Parquet file format in the target node for Amazon S3 data lake

  • Ability to select a folder and subfolder as the target path and create a date-wise partition in Amazon S3 target

  • Support for LATEST and TRIM_HORIZON as starting positions for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

  • Column mapping support for source and target in a data ingestion job

Support for multiple pipelines in a single feature In Data Pipeline Studio you can now add multiple pipelines in a single feature and mark any one pipeline as a default pipeline. This eliminates the need to create a feature for each pipeline for a use case that requires multiple pipelines.
RBAC support for custom roles in Data Pipeline Studio (DPS) The Lazsa Platform now supports creating a custom role and assigning DPS-specific permissions to it. These include permissions related to data pipelines, data crawlers, and data catalogs.
Handling supported connections to nodes in a data pipeline While creating a data pipeline, DPS handles connections to supported nodes only. If you try to connect nodes that are not supported, the connector does not link the nodes.